Mission & President Message
APFNDT is a non-profit Federation devoted to the regional development of the science, technology and practice of Non-Destructive Testing, in conjunction with individual already existing and emerging NDT societies.
President Message
Since engaging in the founding concept of APFNDT, I have had the following two dreams for APFNDT.
1. For Asia-Pacific countries to build safe and prosperous societies through the effective use of NDT technology.
2. For Asia-Pacific countries to play a leading role in the global mainstream in the industrial use of NDT technology.
In the Asia-Pacific region, there are significant gaps among countries in terms of the level of technology, certification systems, standardization, etc. It is important that all the countries and societies in the Asia-Pacific region cooperate with each other for further improvement throughout the region because NDT is a technology that provides safety to our society.
Since APFNDT's establishment in 2013, we have been primarily focusing on building the overall structure of the Federation. This includes activities such as, drafting official documentation like the Constitution and Operating Procedures, forming Task Groups and maintaining communication in our region. All of these activities have laid the foundations for APFNDT, so next we would like to shift the focus of APFNDT from organisational building to a new phase of the objectives set out below.
1. Supporting APFNDT National Societies in fulfilling their key functions.
2. Forming an organized networking platform among APFNDT National Societies to promote our activities.
3. Enhancing APFNDT's overall capabilities to become a global mainstream.
To achieve the above, the secretariat function of all APFNDT member societies must first be strengthened, as one of the most important functions in the development of the societies is the secretariat function. In order for each NDT society to operate more smoothly, communication between the respective secretariats and the exchange of effective information for the other is extremely important. Therefore, the APFNDT Board and Secretariat will first of all carry out various activities to strengthen the secretariat functions of the APFNDT member societies, in addition to the existing activities. We look forward to your cooperation and collaboration.
Dr. Takamasa Ogata
The Asia-Pacific Federation for Non-Destructive Testing (APFNDT)

- Previous Messages
July 2022
As we enter the next half of 2022, APFNDT has been productive despite the ongoing COVID-19 situation. While every country faces different challenges in regards to the virus, as cases fall globally, I am beginning to see that more face-to-face events are starting to take place. In regards to APFNDT activities the Task Group's (TG) have been progressing well and here are some of the highlights from each. TG 1: Membership, met on a regular basis to draft a new Membership Operating Procedure and is developing a methodology to support current and new NDT Societies in our region financially. TG 2: Journal, is in the planning stages for an approved project regarding technical NDT articles. TG 3: Communications, has been working with the Secretariat to produce the newsletter and provide support for other TG's with online meetings. TG 4: Education & Training, was making the, "Anniversary of Radiation" into an activity and TG 5: Certification, made progress in regards to the released edition of ISO 9712:2021. TG 6: Standards, plans to distribute ISO 9712:2021 to member countries based on the results of the survey they conducted last year. Lastly, TG 7: NDE 4.0, has held meetings at regular intervals, disseminating information on the subject. In addition, TG 7 Convener, Mr. Pranay Wadyalkar (AINDT) will be attending the First International Conference on NDE 4.0, due to take place on October 24-27, 2022 in Berlin, Germany.
As far as APFNDT and collaborations with other international organizations, the International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing (ICNDT) held its General Assembly (GA) online on June 15th, 2022. There I was able to attend and give a brief report on APFNDT activities since the last GA on July of 2021. While there were many different time zones to consider, it was well attended and productive.
Also as some of you may remember in 2019, as President of APFNDT, with Mr. Sze Thiam Siong, President of the Asian Welding Federation (AWF), a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between our two organizations. On July 14th, 2022, the AWF held its 36th AWF Governing Council Meeting and Committee Meetings at the Japan Welding Engineering Society (JWES) head office in Tokyo, Japan. As it was a great opportunity to meet again in person. I invited Mr. Les Dick and Dr. S.K. Babu, who attended online, from the APFNDT Executive Committee (AEC) and three from the APFNDT Secretariat including Mr. Shohei Ooka, Mr. Kota Kubo and Mr. Forrest Schlegel, additionally Dr. Takamasa Ogata as the regional representative of APFNDT because Japan was the host country of the AWF Governing Council Meeting and Committee Meetings. Mr. S. Ooka presented a report on APFNDT activities on my behalf and together, we all discussed future collaborations between APFNDT and AWF. I am happy to say that by the end of the meeting everyone was positive about learning from each other and working together in the future.
Finally, in the Asia-Pacific region on August 16-17, 2022 the 6th Malaysia International NDT Conference and Exhibition (6th MINDTCE) will take place in person in Malaysia. I very much enjoyed the last MINDTCE in 2018 and was kindly invited by the conference organizer, the Malaysian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (MSNT), to attend this year as well, but unfortunately I will not be able to attend. Because of this, with help from the APFNDT Secretariat, I recorded a video letter and sent it to MSNT wishing them a successful international conference.
Dr. Norikazu Ooka
The Asia-Pacific Federation for Non-Destructive Testing (APFNDT)January 2022
Firstly, I would like to wish everyone a very happy and productive New Year as we all move forward with new and exciting goals. I would like to briefly report on past and future APFNDT activities.
Due to the ongoing situation in regards to COVID-19, on October 1, 2021 at 10:00 (Japan Standard Time), the first ever APFNDT General Assembly (GA) was held online. I would like to thank everyone for their attendance, especially those members with difficult time zones.
In order to prepare for the GA, the Executive Committee (AEC) met several times and in addition the full Board met as well. It was agreed that because the need for an online GA would be necessary, arrangements were made to hold the GA and implement a proper voting system. Because of this, the Secretariat continued to prepare even on the day so that the GA would run smoothly. I was also relieved to see that everyone looked to be in good health and spirits.
Last year, ISO/TC 135 and related SC meetings, were held online for approximately two weeks from October 11-22. Overall, several SC's were completed in one day, nine SC's in two to three days, and four to five days including the last TC 135 general meeting. In contrast to face-to-face meetings, it is possible to express ones opinion while watching the faces of those present, but online, it is somewhat difficult to decide whether to agree, disagree, or abstain, but since there were not many comments, it was possible to make smooth progress.
However, we had a lively discussion at the APFNDT general meeting, and I believe we had a productive and fruitful outcome. Online meetings have their advantages and disadvantages, but I would like to get back to face-to-face discussions so that I can see everyone once again.
In promoting APFNDT activities, I would like to do my best together with the current AEC, Board, and member countries until the next APFNDT GA to be held in conjunction with the 16th APCNDT in Melbourne, Australia from February 27 to march 3, 2023. As for NDT, there is a worldwide rush for international conferences, but APFNDT member countries should cooperate with each other as colleagues to make WCNDT 2022 a success. I believe that we should not spare any effort. Furthermore, I believe that it is this unity from APFNDT that will lead to the success of the 16th APCNDT to be held in 2023, and the next to be held in Hawaii in the United States.
In APFNDT, the Board activities so far have been progressing well even under the spread of COVID-19. With the establishment of internet channels with APFNDT and ICNDT, administrative processes and information exchanges are becoming smoother, the newsletter is being developed, and the budget for each TG's activities are being allocated and in particular we have great expectations for TG 6: Standards and TG 7: NDE 4.0.
In the world of NDT, techniques, personnel, and standards are essential valuables. In order to implement these elements, I believe that we need to collaborate with ICNDT and each region to ensure the implementation of a qualification and certification system for Non-Destructive testing personnel in each country based on ISO 9712, which is under revision. Because of this, I would like to personally ask for the cooperation and support of all member countries.
Best regards,
Dr. Norikazu Ooka
The Asia-Pacific Federation for Non-Destructive Testing (APFNDT)July 13, 2021
Greetings member countries of the Asia Pacific Federation for Non-Destructive Testing.
In 2013, APFNDT was founded and is already in its eighth year. Similar to the expression, "Time flies like an arrow", I am realizing how quickly the time has passed. In regards to COVID-19 and the global pandemic, I hope all members are staying safe and keeping in mind their health. I know that many member countries in APFNDT are experiencing difficulties such as lockdowns in Malaysia and Australia, in addition Japan has faced challenges as the Olympic host country, so I hope all of you will continue to use safe practices.
During the last APFNDT Board Meeting, due to the difficulty in holding face to face meetings because of the global pandemic, it was approved to extend the current terms of offices for the Executive Committee (AEC) and Board until the next in person General Assembly to be held in conjunction with the 16th APCNDT in Melbourne, Australia from February 27th to March 3rd, 2023. After consultation with the Board members, the proposal was approved without objection.
For the time being, until we can recruit new members it is very important to continue to maintain APFNDT activities and foster cooperation between countries as best we can through tools such as WEB conferences. Also, before the next APCNDT can be carried out, the dates for the 20th WCNDT, organized by Korea, has been changed to February 28th through March 4th, 2022. Because most NDT Societies and organizations are rushing worldwide to resume conferences, participating sponsors and guest speakers have been difficult to acquire. Especially because Korea is not only holding the conference, but is also a member of APFNDT, so that the 20th WCNDT is successful we should all support KSNT as much as possible. In addition, the 16th APCNDT in Melbourne, Australia and the 17th APCNDT in Hawaii, USA are important so it is truly the time for APFNDT members to strengthen their collaboration and support each other.
As far as other APFNDT activities go, the Regional Newsletter will continue to be published, TG 5 has made improvements to various standards, and the newest task group for NDE 4.0 (TG 7) has been formed. It is our hope that with TG 7, APFNDT will be able to disseminate more information on the subject throughout the Asia Pacific region in the future. In addition, as APFNDT has many advanced countries as members, we need to promote technical cooperation with IAEA/RCA activities, as well as, it is essential to promote a qualification certification scheme for nondestructive testing personnel based on ISO 9712 and to work toward mutual recognition.
As the current president, I will continue to do my best to carry out APFNDT activities and appreciate all of your support and cooperation.
Best regards,
Dr. Norikazu Ooka,
The Asia Pacific Federation for Non-Destructive Testing (APFNDT)January 1, 2021
New Years Greeting
January 1, 2021
I would like to first take the opportunity to wish you all happy holidays, a very happy new year and hope you are all staying safe. It goes without saying that we were all forced to face many challenges and drastic changes in regards to the COVID-19, but with a new year comes a new optimistic outlook for the future..
Currently, APFNDT comprises a total of twenty-three members, seventeen as Primary Full Members, three as Secondary full members and three as Associate Members. As we look to the New Year we not only want to continue fostering cooperation with all of the current members but in addition support those who lack the resources needed to form a society and attract new members. As APFNDT grows, it is our hope that through mutual support our shared accomplishments will be beneficial to all.
While in regards to COVID-19, it still remains to be seen when everyone can fully return to normal operations, in the interim, we will strive to move forward as safely as possible. Many major events such as the APCNDT and WCNDT had to be postponed so as we try to move past such a difficult year I am also looking forward to once again meeting you all in person. I encourage all of you to continue using safe practices as we all enter a new and successful year.
Happy New Year and best regards,
Dr. Norikazu Ooka
President, APFNDTJanuary 1, 2014
The Asia Pacific Federation for Non Destructive Testing (APFNDT) was established at Mumbai in India in 2013 to meet demands from the providers and users of NDT in the Asia Pacific Region for promoting the application of NDT and for encouraging research and development into NDT techniques. The main activities of APFNDT have therefore covered education, qualification and certification, training, standardization etc. over the whole NDI spectrum.
APFNDT also has a responsibility for the safe use of NDT and has to extend this safety responsibility in a more general sense to the public for ensuring the integrity of products, assemblies and structures, plants etc. during their service life. This responsibility will make it the goal of NDT certified personnel to strive to improve their skills and expertise through education and training.
The member countries in APFNDT are now facing important circumstances towards the ISO 9712 revised in 2012 and there may be more demands on harmonization of NDT personnel at the international level for qualification and certification based on the requirements of ISO 9712. In this regard APFNDT members should develop strong and friendly collaboration with other regions and their vitality will be requested to do so.
In addition communication occurs through the conduct of national and international conferences, symposia, seminars, workshops etc.
APFNDT will involve in national and international activities with the aim to promote and develop NDT as a key technology to be used by the industrial sector.
Lastly, I would like to work together with the members and societies in not only the Asia Pacific region but also other regions as a president of APFNDT. All these APFNDT activities need your support and more involvement!